, Give the expression of S ×C while revealing frequencies which form the modulated signal

, What is the value of the modulation index ?

, What happens if the carrier C is a square signal ? Plot the AM 1 spectrum in this case

, Now, plot the AM 1 spectrum in the case of a sin-wave carrier C , but with a non monochromatic input signal

, What happens if the frequency carrier f 0 is lower than 30 kHz ? Plot the AM 1 spectrum in the case of a sine-wave carrier C at f 0 = 20 kHz. What can we expect from such a modulation ?

, Considering S = 6V cos(2? 30kHz t ) and C = 10V cos

, Propose a scheme using another AD633 to realize the demodulation of AM 1 . 2. Plot the spectrum of the output of the second multiplier before filtering

, What is the cut-off frequency needed to restore S? Give numerical value of filter elements * needed to achieved a complete demodulation

, A modulation with transmission of the carrier could be expressed as AM 2 = C ×S 10V +C

, * Choose R value = 1 k?. -M1 SPACE -ST 11, vol.7, pp.2018-2019

, Give the output voltage of the rectifier for a sine wave input signal

, Give the output voltage in the case of a 0.6 V threshold voltage for a sine wave input signal of 0.5V, 1V and 6V amplitude

, Give the output voltage of the rectifier for a sine wave input signal (ideal diode)

, What is the expression of the cutoff frequency f c associated to the 10k? and C ? -M1 SPACE -ST 11, vol.7, pp.2018-2019

C. Butterworth, Bessel and Legendre polynomials tables needed for filter synthesis : 2 + 0.5176s + 1)(s 2 + 1.4142s + 1)(s 2 + 1.9319s + 1) 7 (s + 1)(s 2 + 0.445s + 1)(s 2 + 1.247s + 1)(s 2 + 1.8019s + 1) 8 (s 2 + 0.3902s + 1)(s 2 + 1.1111s + 1)(s 2 + 1.6629s + 1)(s 2 + 1.9616s + 1) 9 (s + 1)(s 2 + 0

-. 11, , vol.7, pp.2018-2019